Learn about Accreditied Online Colleges

Accreditied Online - borderOnline colleges around the nation want to obtain an accredited status for many important reasons. A college’s academic reputation has a great deal to do with its accreditation status. Accreditation also ensures that graduates’ credits will transfer to other colleges, as well as be accepted by potential employers. All in all, accreditation signifies a school’s credibility, academic repute and the quality of instructors. Some schools are not accredited because they are too new or do not want to be accredited. However, it is in your best interest to either choose an accredited school that will be recognized or closely investigate schools that are not accredited. Find out why they haven’t reached accreditation, if they are pursuing it and if credits will transfer.

Accreditedonlinecollegs.org can help you with this process. We’ve gathered in-depth information on top-ranked accredited online colleges and created a database search that helps you find a degree program that meets your degree level, category and subject of interest. Here, you can also search between nationally and regionally accredited colleges and learn about the accrediting agencies that fall under these two categories.

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