
Yay Marcus PTSA!

Dear Marcus High,

Congratulations on earning the 2016 President’s List Award!

Your PTSA has already achieved Active Status AND reported more members than all last year. Way to go, keep up the great work!

Your 2016-17 President’s List Award emblem is a truly a badge of honor because you are one of 1,045 in the state of Texas that earned this award. We hope you will show it off in your PTA emails, social media channels, and your PTA’s website.

As a reminder, this month marked the first month of the 85th Legislative Session. School funding will once again be in jeopardy and our job is to send a powerful message to our elected officials.  Last spring, we were told we would need to be louder than ever before.

“Recently a powerful senator told Texas PTA that we will have to be a LOT LOUDER next with oil prices down, revenue will be reduced and funding for public education, which represents 1/3 of the state’s budget, will be at risk. Not only will we not likely see increases in funding, we may see cuts to funding for public schools.” – Ellen Arnold, Texas PTA Lobbyist

I would like to invite you to Texas PTA Rally Day, February 27, 2017! By attending Rally Day, your community’s voice will be heard and will influence the future of our children. Take a moment to review the Texas PTA Legislative Priorities. Some in your community may not know about our advocacy efforts. Share the information and ask them to add their voice, by joining your PTA. Texas students cannot afford for us to overlook! #everymembercounts when we work to make every child’s potential a reality at the Capitol.

Texas PTA

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