PTSA Meeting Tonight

Join us for a brief PTSA meeting tonight starting at 6:45p in the Marcus auditorium. Our main business will be to elect our 2013 nominating committee.

PTSA MeetingThe purpose of the nominating committee is to recognize and seek qualified nominees for the elected leadership of the Marcus PTSA. The members of the committee, therefore, have a tremendous influence on the future of the PTA and should be selected carefully. Serving on a nominating committee is an honor and a privilege. This committee is the PTSAs most influential internal body, and because it deals with sensitive issues, deliberations of this committee are kept confidential.

Committee members should have a broad acquaintance with the membership and an understanding of the organization’s functions and purposes. The committee should include both experienced leadership and newer members.

The Nominating Committee is responsible for:

  • Seeking applicants interested in a position on the PTSA Board for the subsequent school year
  • Reviewing and discussing the applicants’ qualifications
  • If there is more than one applicant for any board position, the nominating committee then votes to determine which candidate is most qualified for the position
  • At the PTSA meeting where the board members are elected, the nominating committee officially nominates all selected candidates for final vote by the assembly

We all could use a new mirror

This video is just under 8 minutes – watch and comment with your thoughts.

District Logo Selection

LISD Logo VoteBeginning this fall, a Strategic Design subcommittee including two students gathered to begin dialogue on the LISD Brand. The committee worked to align the brand with the District’s new vision and mission through Strategic Design.

Facilitated by a locally-owned firm, Maple Leaf Creative, the team researched quality brands, discussed how brands are fulfilled as well as identified key stakeholders and audiences of the LISD community. Based upon this research and discussion, a tagline was developed along with two logo concepts. The new tagline, “Real Innovation. Limitless Opportunity” encompasses the beliefs, goals and vision of LISD’s Strategic Design.

Recycle Fun!

FlipFlop Recycle

Help Marcus PTSA Recycle!


1. Bring your old Rubber Flip-Flops

2. Put them in one of the Flip-Flop Recycle Boxes

When: January 28- February 28th

2013 Senior PTSA Scholarships

Ten PTSA Scholarships for $500 each will be available for Marcus 2013 seniors. The recipients of a PTSA scholarship must be a 2013 graduate and a member of the Marcus PTSA, prior to January 31, 2013. Selection is based upon a variety of factors that emphasize merit, not simply academic or financial need. Merit is demonstrated through evidence of motivation, school and community involvement, and a desire to succeed.

Senior Scholarship Application – forms will also be available in the counselor’s office.

Application Deadline: Friday, April 26th by 4pm in the counselor’s office. Learn more here.

Connecticut Tragedy

A Letter from Dr. Waddell

I am sure you know about the tragic events at an elementary school today in Connecticut. Our first reaction is shock at the senseless violence, especially upon innocent children, and our hearts and prayers go to the children, their families and the community.

I know that such tragedies cause fear to rise within you about the safety of your children. I want to assure you that the safety of your children is of the first importance to us. Today, we have asked local police and emergency providers to increase their patrols of our schools. Most had already planned this. We are also having LISD support staff stationed at the schools at dismissal.

The most important part of safety is to plan for daily security and for emergencies. LISD protects its buildings by guarding entries and locking other doors. Visitors must enter through the office and must do an identification check. We have developed emergency procedures based on FEMA guidelines and in consultation with local safety officials. All campuses have intruder and lockdown protocol as part of their emergency procedures and are required to practice this training routinely.

We constantly strive to assure the safety of our students. Such tragedies are shocking, but schools remain some of the safest places to be. We take safety as our most serious responsibility and will continue to improve how we can provide that.

We thank you for your cooperation and support.

-Stephen F. Waddell
Superintendent of Schools


Estoy seguro de que se han enterado de los trágicos eventos que sucedieron hoy en una escuela primaria en Connecticut.  Nuestra primera reacción es conmoción a tan horrenda violencia, especialmente cuando se trata de niños inocentes, y nuestros corazones y oraciones están con esos niños, sus familias y la comunidad.

Yo se que dichas tragedias causan temor en ustedes con respecto a la seguridad de sus niños.  Quiero asegurarles que la seguridad de sus hijos es nuestra más alta prioridad.  Le hemos pedido a la policía local y los proveedores de servicios de emergencia que aumenten las rondas en nuestras escuelas hoy.  La mayoría de ellos ya habían planeado hacerlo.  Ademas tendremos personal adicional de LISD en las escuelas a la hora de salida.

La parte mas importante de la seguridad es tener precausiones diarias en caso de emergencia.  LISD protege sus edificios observando las entradas y cerrando sus puertas con llave. Todo visitante tiene que entrar por la puerta principal y mostrar su identificación.  Nosotros hemos desarrollado procedimientos de emergencia basados en las reglas de FEMA y hemos consultado con los oficiales locales.  Todos las escuelas tienen procedimiento de cierre para casos de emergencia y se les requiere que practiquen estos procedimientos regularmente.

Nosotros nos esforzamos por asegurar la seguridad de nuestros estudiantes constantemente.  A pesar de que estas tragedias son horribles, nuestras escuelas continúan siendo lugares seguros.

Les agradecemos su cooperación y su apoyo.

-Dr. Stephen F. Waddell

Help others enjoy the holidays!

Angel Tree

Timbercreek Elementary School

Timbercreek Elementary has an angel tree tree every year for students and siblings. This year the tree is filled with many “needs” and not a lot of “wants”.

There are still over 100 angels on the tree so if you can help out, please call Timbercreek or stop by and pick up an angel or two! These families will appreciate your generosity!

Darlene Fields,  Counselor
Timber Creek Elementary
Ph: 972-350-1355
Fax: 972-350-9153

Toy Drive

The Friends of Rachel and the Marcus High School Cheerleaders are collecting toys again this year. Please bring unwrapped, new toys to the donation boxes at Marcus. Boxes will be placed in the counselor and front offices.

In addition to the toy drop off, we will be having pictures with Santa (Santa played by two very handsome senior boys) December 18, 19, and 20 during all lunches. Pictures will cost either an unwrapped toy or $5 for up to three students. Each student thereafter will be $1.

They will have one final push the morning of the 21st in the drop off areas of the school for any last minute donations. Please help us make this a huge success!

Breakfast with Santa

Marcus High School Marquettes & Silver Stars are hosting “Breakfast With Santa”

At Applebee’s (3140 FM 407 Highland Village) this Saturday December 15th from 8am – 10am

Breakfast is $10 per person and includes:

  • A trip to an amazing Breakfast Bar
  • Picture with Santa


And if you reserve your ticket Now you will receive $5 off your next visit to Applebee’s Coupon

Please contact Debbie True to reserve your ticket today @ 214-477-5817

Help Clean Up our Campus

Homecoming 2012


Another great Marcus High School Homecoming!


Pictured here is Principal Shafferman sporting a custom
mum from Melissa Miller (PTSA President), Laura Bakken
with support from Bridget Engle and her mum business.

PTSA Meeting – Tonight!

Join us for our first Marcus HS PTSA meeting of the 2012-13 school year!

We will cover the business needed to get the year rolling. We are also going to discuss a resolution that PTA’s and School Districts across the state have been adopting.

Please take a few minutes to read the Resolution Concerning High Stakes, Standardized Testing of Texas Public School Students and be prepared to vote tonight.