Career Center East: Community Night

Jeff Wagley, Associate Principal at Career Center East is inviting you to Community Night at the Career Centers on Tuesday, February 10th, 5:30 -7:00. Everyone is invited students, parents, neighbors, family and friends. With High School registration fast approaching for the 2015-2016 School Year, there is no better time to check out Career Center East and Dale Jackson Career Center.

The LISD Career Centers offer over 35 courses. Students that attend the Career Centers gain valuable industry knowledge through classroom experiences and internship programs. Students attending the career centers have the opportunity to obtain industry certifications that prepare them for the workplace. The LISD Career Centers will help in achieving the highest levels of preparation to help students become college and career ready.

February: PEP

JMHS-PEP2oin us for our Parent Education Program (PEP) this Wednesday evening.  Learn about using the Love & Logic parenting style to teach accountability while reducing conflict.  These time-tested methods work well with today’s teens, fostering a sense of independence while helping them understand limits.

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

The session begins at 6:00 P.M. in the Marcus Library.

Free babysitting service is available during the session.

PTSA Meeting Tonight!

Reminder: The Marcus PTSA will meet tonight at 6:45p in the MHS Cafeteria.

Spring Open House to follow.

Superintendent Search Input Forums

suptsearchLewisville ISD (LISD)’s Board of Trustees invites all parents and community members to participate in community input forums to share their thoughts regarding desired qualities in LISD’s new superintendent. All forums will be led by executive search firm Ray and Associates. Please see below for the remaining community input forum dates and locations.

English-Only Forums

  • Thursday, Jan. 29: 2:15-3 p.m.
    • Bolin Administrative Center (1565 W. Main Street, Lewisville)
  • Thursday, Jan. 29: 5:15-6:15 p.m.
    • Career Center East (2553 F.M. 544, Lewisville)

Please call LISD’s Office of Public Information and Community Relations with questions: 469.948.8152.

Por favor, llame a la Oficina de Información Púbica y Relaciones con Comunidad de LISD con sus preguntas al 469-948-8152.

Circle of Friends: Cookout

UPDATE: Ticket Sales will be for sale on Friday (during lunch) as well!

Monday is the Spring PTSA Meeting and Open House for Marcus High School.IN-N-OUT Burger

You’ll be hungry and this is how you can get some great food that benefits a great cause!

Monday, February 2
4:30p – 6:00p — Dinner (IN-N-OUT BURGER Cookout Truck)
6:45p — PTSA Meeting
7:00p — Open House

The In-N-Out Burger food truck will be serving delicious burgers at Marcus before the PTSA meeting. Tickets are $5 and available for purchase during all lunches on 1/28. The Circle of Friends Club is sponsoring this event to help raise funds for their Grand Ball.

More Information

LEF Scholarship Due Friday!

Seniors: The deadline to submit your application for a scholarship through Lewisville Education Foundation is Friday, Jan. 30 at 4:30 p.m.

LEF houses many booster club and activity scholarships, so it’s very likely there is a scholarship for which you qualify and might earn! Remember, some scholarships require recommendations, and you can’t submit until those are complete, so don’t delay! Apply today at

Curbside Recycling – Saturday

Electronic RecycleCurbside Recycling will be held on Saturday, January 31st from 8:00 A.M. to 12:00 Noon in front of Marcus High School.

Please support MHS by donating your tax deductible, unwanted, household items.  Acceptable items include computers, cameras, office equipment, multi-media items, clothing and accessories, toys and games, portable electronics, video games, sporting goods, musical instruments, home and garden items, non fiction books, jewelry and non perishable & canned foods.

Please note that console/projection/and CRT style TVs can no longer be accepted.

All proceeds go directly to Marcus High School.

Winter Increase Award

The Marcus High School PTSA has earned the 2014 Winter Increase Award, for reporting and remitting dues for more members this December 1st (2014) than you did last year! Our membership has increased by 230 member(s) since December 1, 2013. Thanks to Kelly and team for their continued efforts to get parents, teachers and students plugged in!

Why Membership Matters

PTA is a grassroots organization made up of parents, teachers and others around the state who have an interest in children, families and schools. PTA membership is as diverse as Texas is in cultures, education levels and parenting skills. By joining PTA, a member becomes part of the largest child advocacy organization in the state with over 500,000 members across Texas.


  • Senior Scholarships
  • Campus Beautification
  • Magnificent Marauders
  • Programs

State / National:

  • Building Free Programs
  • Advocating for Children & Education
    • Lunch Programs
    • After School Care
    • Immunization Programs
    • School Bus Safety
  • Communication to Local PTAs

LISD School Board Meeting Summary: 12-DEC-2014

Online Colleges in Texas


Most colleges and universities are incorporating online degree programs as that is the growing trend that seems to cater best to today’s “modern day” student. As such educators, students and their families will have more to evaluate as they explore all the available options. To help, Edudemic thought it would research and create a resource page that discusses online colleges and programs and the truth behind the often touted selling point of “affordability”.

They want students to be able to gain valuable insight into their education, especially when it comes to affordable education, tuition, financial aid, cost vs. benefit, as well as career development from an online degree.

Learn More