
More Than Ever

Membership VP, Allison Lassahn :

This year, our school needs your help more than ever. I hope you will be inspired to join PTSA. Our teachers are rocking and rolling with support! However, we need our parents to join in and join the Marcus PTSA!

As everyone knows, this 2020-21 school year is different. The ongoing pandemic is disrupting every aspect of normal society, including greatly limiting how our students and teachers can interact with one other and how the rest of us can help, at least physically. I challenge you to not let COVID-19 be an excuse to disengage but, to help double our efforts to ensure that EVERY student, teacher and family has what they need to succeed this very challenging year. The students and teachers still need your help now more than ever.

Benefits of Joining PTSA
  • We are your official teacher appreciation organization!
  • Scholarships! Marcus PTSA awards several $500 scholarships to Seniors who have been members of the PTSA for two years.
  • More Scholarships! Members can apply for $1000 through Texas PTA
  • PTA designs affordable Spirit wear
  • PTA celebrates Arts in Education and hosts the annual Reflections contest
  • Marcus PTSA coordinates and hosts helpful programs for parents and students
  • We have a special deal for students, when they join, they get a FREE “We are Marcus” mask, available only to members.

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