
Marcus PTSA Scholarships 2014

Ten PTSA Scholarships for $500 each will be available for Marcus 2014 seniors. The recipients of a PTSA scholarship must be a 2014 graduate and a member of the Marcus PTSA, prior to January 31, 2014. Selection is based upon a variety of factors that emphasize merit, not simply academic or financial need. Merit is demonstrated through evidence of motivation, school and community involvement, and a desire to succeed. The deadline for the applications will be Friday, April 25th by 4pm.

Visit the Senior Scholarship page for details.

2013 PTSA Scholarships Recipients

  • Grant Andries
  • Nathan Bubeck
  • Brittany Jacobsen
  • Abby Janeway
  • Hailey Joeris
  • Brett Johnson
  • Zach Kohn
  • Tanner Lyon
  • Brittany Niederstadth
  • Jason Rauseo

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