February 9, 2017 @ 7:00p
New Venue: Auditorium
Four times a year each teacher has the opportunity to nominate one student per class to receive the coveted Marcus PTSA award. The student is not chosen solely for academics, but other qualities like dedication, effort, participation and teamwork are all considered when selecting a student. Students being recognized will be notified by a letter sent to their home. Note, the venue change occurred after the mail was sent. We will be holding the celebration in the auditorium.
Recognition from last year:
This student is a positive, cheerful young woman who boosts up those around her. She is a natural leader who has helped her groups do well in group activities. She actively participates in classroom discussions and eagerly volunteers for roles in various classroom activities. Her English skills are strong, so she needs little improvement, yet she is diligent in applying herself and always works actively to do well on her assignments.