After a year of hard work and dedication from your Marcus PTSA board and the engagement of you, our members, we are sooo proud to announce that the Marcus HS PTSA has earned the following:
National PTA School of Excellence Award
Membership for the 22-23 school year is now OPEN!!

#PTAExcellence #HowWePTA #MarauderPride
Otha Thornton, National PTA President (2013-15)
Good Afternoon,
I’m Todd DeDecker, President of the Marcus High School PTSA. I am thrilled to be in this position and am looking forward to a really great year at Marcus. Our wonderful, new Marcus 9 building opened and will offer our incoming freshman a fantastic experience as they make the transition from Middle School and the transition at the end of the school year to Marcus Main. As you’ll recall from last year, we added a 9th grade representation position to the board to help identify areas in which our PTSA can help with those transitions. Andrea and Tracy are off to a great start already!
To be successful as a PTSA, we need you! The simple act of joining allows the PTA adds your voice to the work being done in Austin and Washington D.C. As the largest volunteer child advocacy association in the nation, Parent Teacher Association (PTA) reminds our country of its obligations to children and provides parents and families with a powerful voice to speak on behalf of every child while providing the best tools for parents to help their children be successful students. In addition, volunteering and engaging locally helps make Marcus an even better school.
This is a legislative year and PTA has big plans. Last session, we had a big win with the passage of HB5, but we still have many issues that face us including public school funding, implementation of HB5 and looking at state testing requirements for grades 3-8. Check out the current Texas PTA Priorities. We will have activity and news from both the LISD Council of PTAs (watch the website for updates) and our Legislative/Advocacy chair Michelle Harris. The PTAs of LISD will be heading down to Austin in February to let our representatives know what’s important to us. Look for updates in the coming months.
The “S” in PTSA is important and our PTSA board has a Student Leadership component. The application for students is available here and in the offices of Main and MSH-9. Having the students on our board helps add clarity to work or programs that we may undertake. They also have an opportunity to design, lead and execute on a project or initiative. Encourage your kids to consider this and apply today. Deadline for the applications is October 9, 2014.
If you have questions or would like to talk, don’t hesitate to contact me. I want to hear from you!
Todd DeDecker
Hello and Welcome to the Marcus High School PTSA website. The purpose of this website is to serve our PTSA members with valuable information. As the Marcus PTSA President this year, my goal is to enhance communication. In doing this we can more effectively meet the goals as a PTSA board, teacher, staff and student members. We are here to partner together in meeting educational goals through programs, scholarships, and our new teacher grant program. If you as a teacher need help getting educational tools for your classroom, we would like to partner with you, and see that goal take place. If you as a student, teacher or parent have a suggestion for a program to enhance our students awareness, please let us hear from you. Together, we can make a difference.
I’m looking forward to serving with all of you this year.
Melissa Miller
Marcus PTSA President