
School of Excellence


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COVID-19 Call Center

Lab-Confirmed or Exposure ONLY


If your child experiences any of the COVID-19 symptoms OR learns they have been exposed to someone who has lab-confirmed COVID-19 test results while they are on campus, please contact the school nurse.


If your child experiences any of the COVID-19 symptoms OR learns they have been exposed to someone who has lab-confirmed COVID-19 test results during school hours, please call the district’s COVID-19 Call Center (CCC). 

NOTE: If your child already has a COVID-19 plan that was created by the campus nurse, please do NOT call the CCC; the call center nurses do not have the ability to alter your child’s campus-created isolation or quarantine plan. Instead, please contact your campus administrator or school nurse if you have any questions about their campus-created isolation or quarantine plan.

| (469) 444-3558
HOURS | 6:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m.

“Close contact” is defined as being within 6 feet for a cumulative duration of 15 minutes.


Parents, last year’s check drive was a success. Because of your generosity the PTSA was able to continue supporting programs that can benefit all students. A few of the programs the monies supported were:

  • Drug Awareness with Red Ribbon Week
  • College Fair
  • Magnificent Marauders Student Recognition Program
  • Reflections Program
  • Teacher Appreciation
  • Senior Scholarships

We are once again asking for your help with a check drive of $10 to MHS PTSA to help support the following programs:

  • Bring in a speaker on feeling safe in school; school safety updates
  • Senior Scholarships
  • Magnificent Marauders Student Recognition Program
  • 180 Abstinence Program
  • Red Ribbon Week
  • College Fair
  • Teacher Appreciation

Your MHS PTSA strives to continue all of the programs and opportunities MHS & MHS9 students have come to expect. 100% of your donation will go towards helping our students!

Make your check payable to  MHS PTSA.
Have your student drop in the PTSA lock box at either campus or Mail to:
P.O. Box 270111
Flower Mound, TX 75027-0111

You can also donate online.

Kindly send in your donations by May 18, 2018

Not a PTSA member? Join Today!

Know the Signs

Happy Earth Day!

Coats for Kids 2013

Update: Flower Mound HS & Marcus HS collected more than 90 coats for kids. Great job everyone!

Coats for Kids 2013