MHS PTSA is partnering with our M9 & Main Counseling team to sponsor the upcoming Health and Wellness Fair. The Fairs’ focus will be on encouraging students to incorporate healthy living and coping strategies.
All students will get the opportunity to choose to attend this event during their lunch periods on April 7th.

We are asking for your support of purchasing items for interactive experiences and Gift Cards for raffle prizes. We’ve provided an Amazon Wish List and Sign-Up Genius to share our needs.
Please have all items delivered by Tuesday April 5th to the M9 or Main Front Office .
Amazon Donation List Donate Gift Cards
POSTPONED Due to North Texas Weather – watch for updates.

Lab-Confirmed or Exposure ONLY
If your child experiences any of the COVID-19 symptoms OR learns they have been exposed to someone who has lab-confirmed COVID-19 test results while they are on campus, please contact the school nurse.
If your child experiences any of the COVID-19 symptoms OR learns they have been exposed to someone who has lab-confirmed COVID-19 test results during school hours, please call the district’s COVID-19 Call Center (CCC).
NOTE: If your child already has a COVID-19 plan that was created by the campus nurse, please do NOT call the CCC; the call center nurses do not have the ability to alter your child’s campus-created isolation or quarantine plan. Instead, please contact your campus administrator or school nurse if you have any questions about their campus-created isolation or quarantine plan.
CALL | (469) 444-3558
HOURS | 6:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m.
“Close contact” is defined as being within 6 feet for a cumulative duration of 15 minutes.
#DYK 1 in 3 high school students experience dating violence? Know the signs of abuse & how to talk to your teen
— NYSPTA (@NYSPTA) April 22, 2017
Reminder for Parents from the Marcus Nurse:
This is a gentle reminder that if your student is sick, please keep them at home. School policy states that students with a fever of 100 degrees or more should be at home until they are fever free for 24 hours, without the aid of fever reducing medications. For other diagnosed infectious conditions, such as strep throat, please follow the guidelines and medications recommended by your doctor. This may include staying at home until antibiotics are on board for 24-48 hours.
It is wonderful that students want to be at school! It is not wonderful to have a sick student spreading illness to other students. Please be considerate to others, if your son or daughter is ill, keep them at home. We will welcome them back with open arms, when they are better! And if you have any questions, feel free to contact Nurse Boyd.
I spent last week in downtown Dallas for a leadership forum and as you might expect, there was a lot of discussion about Ebola. There were folks from all over North America attending. The discussion intensified when the news broke of another health worker being diagnosed. Even with all that going on, there was never panic or hysteria about Ebola. Even when we found out that there were extra airport precautions being put in place, folks took the news in stride and just planned to get there early. In my opinion, this is the right type of approach. Stay informed, make great decisions for you and your family but don’t freak out. This is America, we will deal with this and move forward.
I had a chance to listen to Dr. Waddell discuss Ebola and the district response to the latest news. LISD chose to keep the schools open while some in the area closed after reports of the Frontier Airlines flight became known. The administration has been working closely with the Denton County Health Department and all were in agreement that there is no risk to our students or staff. We need to educate ourselves on this issue and not fall prey to scare tactics. We need to be vigilant, but quite frankly, I’m more concerned with the Enterovirus. This is a real, credible threat to our kids and deserves attention. As mentioned in a letter last week, beginning Oct. 3, the district implemented intensive sanitation on all high-touch areas at all LISD schools due to concerns regarding the Enterovirus and the upcoming flu season. Both of these viruses are considered highly contagious. Since these protocols were already in place, no additional cleaning requirements are necessary to address Ebola concerns.
Below is President Obama’s weekly address that focused on Ebola. The video is about 4.5 minutes to watch. If you’d rather read it, the transcript is below as well.
Dear Lewisville ISD Parents:
This letter is to provide an update from the parent letter sent on Thursday, Oct. 16 regarding the Ebola virus. We want to assure you that no student or staff member has had contact with the Ebola virus. Additionally, no student or staff member was on Frontier Airlines flight 1142 on Oct. 10 or flight 1143 on Oct. 13.
The Denton County Health Department is not currently monitoring any of our 53,000+ students or any one of our 6,000 staff members. Therefore, no student or staff member is at risk to contract the Ebola virus.
We have received requests to release campus names related to the staff member and students who had relatives on the same flights as the healthcare worker. LISD is not at liberty to share this information due to HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act) and FERPA (Federal Education Right to Privacy Act) laws. Because there is no public health risk for our students or staff members, these laws prohibit the district releasing school and student names.
The district recognizes some school districts released campus names and closed for cleaning. These campuses had students or staff members on the flights in question. LISD did not have any student or staff member on these flights.
Beginning Oct. 3, the district implemented intensive sanitation on all high-touch areas at all LISD schools due to concerns regarding the Enterovirus and the upcoming flu season. Both of these viruses are considered highly contagious. Since these protocols were already in place, no additional cleaning requirements are necessary.
We continue to remain in contact with the Denton County Health Department to keep updated on the latest information on all communicable diseases. LISD will continue to follow the appropriate directives from local, state and Federal health agencies.
In an effort to provide additional answers to your questions, attached is a Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) document. We will continue to update these questions.
Again, thank you for sharing your concerns. If there is any new information, we will provide updates as needed.
Office of Public Information and Community Relations