
LISD Health Update – Oct. 18

Dear Lewisville ISD Parents:


Ebola FAQ (17-OCT-2014)

This letter is to provide an update from the parent letter sent on Thursday, Oct. 16 regarding the Ebola virus. We want to assure you that no student or staff member has had contact with the Ebola virus. Additionally, no student or staff member was on Frontier Airlines flight 1142 on Oct. 10 or flight 1143 on Oct. 13.

The Denton County Health Department is not currently monitoring any of our 53,000+ students or any one of our 6,000 staff members. Therefore, no student or staff member is at risk to contract the Ebola virus.

We have received requests to release campus names related to the staff member and students who had relatives on the same flights as the healthcare worker. LISD is not at liberty to share this information due to HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act) and FERPA (Federal Education Right to Privacy Act) laws. Because there is no public health risk for our students or staff members, these laws prohibit the district releasing school and student names.

The district recognizes some school districts released campus names and closed for cleaning. These campuses had students or staff members on the flights in question. LISD did not have any student or staff member on these flights.

Beginning Oct. 3, the district implemented intensive sanitation on all high-touch areas at all LISD schools due to concerns regarding the Enterovirus and the upcoming flu season. Both of these viruses are considered highly contagious. Since these protocols were already in place, no additional cleaning requirements are necessary.

We continue to remain in contact with the Denton County Health Department to keep updated on the latest information on all communicable diseases. LISD will continue to follow the appropriate directives from local, state and Federal health agencies.

In an effort to provide additional answers to your questions, attached is a Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) document. We will continue to update these questions.

Again, thank you for sharing your concerns. If there is any new information, we will provide updates as needed.


Office of Public Information and Community Relations


Estimados padres de Lewisville ISD:

Esta carta es para proporcionarles una actualización de la carta a padres enviada el jueves 16 de octubre relacionada al virus del Ébola. Queremos asegurarle que ningún estudiante o miembro del personal ha tenido contacto con el virus del Ébola en los vuelos 1142 del 10 de octubre o el vuelo 1143 del 13 de octubre de la aerolínea Frontier y ningún estudiante o miembro del personal ha tenido contacto con el virus del Ébola.

El Departamento de Salud del Condado de Denton actualmente no está monitoreando ninguno de nuestros más de 53,000 estudiantes o ninguno de nuestros 6,000 miembros del personal. Por lo tanto, ningún estudiante o miembro del personal está en riesgo de contraer el virus del Ébola.

Hemos recibido peticiones de revelar el nombre del plantel escolar relacionado al miembro y los estudiantes quienes tienen familiares en el mismo vuelo donde estuvo la trabajadora de la salud. LISD no está en la libertad de compartir la información debido a las Leyes HIPAA (Ley de Portabilidad y Responsabilidad de Seguros Médicos) y FERPA (Ley Federal de Derechos Educativos y de Privacidad de la Familia). Debido a que no hay riesgo de salud público para nuestros estudiantes o miembros del personal, estas leyes prohíben al distrito revelar información de los nombres de la escuela o estudiantes.

El distrito reconoce que algunos distritos revelaron nombres de planteles y cerraron para limpieza. Estos planteles tenían estudiantes o miembros del personal en los vuelos en cuestión. LISD no tenía ningún estudiante o miembro del personal en estos vuelos.

Comenzando el 3 de octubre, el distrito implementó saneamiento intensivo en todas las áreas de alto contacto en las escuelas de LISD debido a preocupaciones relacionadas al Enterovirus y la próxima temporada de la gripe. Ambos virus son considerados altamente contagiosos. Ya que estos protocolos estaban puestos en su lugar, no son necesarias limpiezas adicionales.

Continuamos en contacto con el Departamento de Salud del Condado de Denton para mantenernos actualizados en la última información de todas las enfermedades transmisibles. LISD continuará siguiendo las directivas apropiadas de las agencias de salud locales, estatales y federales.

En un esfuerzo de proporcionar respuestas adicionales a sus preguntas, un documento de Preguntas Frecuentes en español le será enviado el lunes. Continuaremos actualizando estas preguntas.

Nuevamente, gracias por compartir sus preocupaciones. Si hubiera alguna nueva información, proveeremos actualizaciones según necesitadas.


Oficina de Información Pública y Relaciones con la comunidad

LISD Health Update – Oct. 9

Dear Lewisville ISD Parents:

As we communicated to you yesterday, a resident of The Colony was transported to Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital in Dallas for possible Ebola symptoms. We have recently learned from the Texas Department of Health that the individual’s testing results came back negative.

During this time, we are respecting the family’s privacy and allowing them time to recover. Our thoughts and prayers are with the individual and his family during this stressful experience.

The health and safety of all Lewisville ISD students is our top priority. Our school nurses will continue to remain vigilant in monitoring symptoms related to the Ebola virus and ensuring correct protocols and procedures are followed. As a reminder, the virus is only contagious if a person is experiencing active symptoms. If you have any additional questions, please visit the Denton County Health Department’s website: www.dentoncounty.com/health or contact your family doctor.

LISD will continue to work with the Denton County Health Department to monitor this situation and ensure your child’s health and safety. Thank you for your patience and understanding during this time.


Lewisville ISD Office of Public Information and Community Relations


Estimados padres Lewisville ISD:

Como le comunicamos ayer, un residente de The Colony fue transportado al hospital Texas Health Presbyterian en Dallas por posibles síntomas de Ébola. Recientemente nos hemos enterado por parte de Departamento de Salud de Texas de que los resultados de las pruebas de esta persona fueron negativos.

Durante este tiempo, respetamos la privacidad de la familia y le permitimos tiempo para recuperarse. Nuestros pensamientos y oraciones están con esta persona y su familia durante esta experiencia estresante.

La salud y la seguridad de todos los estudiantes de Lewisville ISD es nuestra principal prioridad. Nuestras enfermeras escolares continúan siendo vigilantes en monitorear síntomas relacionados al virus del Ébola y asegurando que los protocolos correctos y los procedimientos sean seguidos. Como recordatorio, el virus sólo es contagioso si una persona está experimentando síntomas activos. Si usted tiene alguna pregunta adicional, por favor visite la página web del Departamento de Salud del Condado de Denton en el www.dentoncounty.com/health o contacte a su doctor de familia.

LISD continuará trabajando con el Departamento de Salud del Condado de Denton para monitorear la situación y asegurar la salud y seguridad de su hijo (a). Gracias por su paciencia y comprensión durante este tiempo.


Oficina de Información Pública y Relaciones con la comunidad

HB5 Results: 2013-14

HB5 requires each district to evaluate and designate a performance rating for the district and each of its campuses in the district based on criteria set by a local committee (TEC 39.0545). The law requires that each district and each campus be assigned a rating of exemplary, recognized, acceptable, or unacceptable.
HB5 2014
Visit http://lisd.net | Schools | Scores & Ratings for this and other information.

School Board Meeting

What: Lewisville ISD School Board Meeting

When: Tonight! October 8 @ 7:00p

Where: Bolin Center (1565 W. Main St., Lewisville)

Lewisville ISD Health Notice

October 2, 2014

LISD-Logo-2013Dear LISD Parents,

As you may know, a case of the Ebola virus was recently detected in Dallas County. Lewisville ISD is working closely with the Denton County Health Department to ensure we are receiving the latest information about this virus.

The Denton County Health Department informed LISD that at this time, there are no contacts being investigated in the Denton County area.

As with any health issue, our school nurses are aware of the symptoms and protocols related to the Ebola virus. If you have any questions or concerns about Ebola, we encourage you to visit the Denton County Health Department’s website at www.dentoncounty.com/health or call your child’s doctor.

The safety and health of our students and staff remains our top priority and LISD will continue to partner with all public health experts at the local, state and federal levels in monitoring this situation.


LISD Office of Public Information and Community Relations


Estimados padres de LISD,

Como usted puede saber, un caso del virus Ébola fue detectado recientemente en el Condado de Dallas. Lewisville ISD está trabajando estrechamente con el departamento de salud del Condado de Denton para asegurar que estamos recibiendo la información más reciente sobre este virus.

El departamento de salud del Condado de Denton informó a LISD que en este momento, no hay contactos siendo investigados en el área del Condado de Denton.

Como en cualquier problema de salud, nuestra enfermeras escolares están conscientes de los síntomas y protocolos relacionados al virus Ébola. Si usted tiene alguna pregunta o preocupación sobre Ébola, le alentamos a visitar la página web del departamento de salud del Condado de Denton www.dentoncounty.com/health o a llamar al doctor de su hijo (a).

La seguridad y la salud de nuestros estudiantes y personal sigue siendo nuestra principal prioridad y LISD continuará colaborando con todos los expertos en salud pública a nivel local, estatal y federal en monitorear esta situación.


Oficina de Información pública y relaciones con la comunidad

Parenet Education Summit

MHSMark you calendars for the inaugural parent education summit, “A Window into 21st Century Learning,” presented to you by Lewisville ISD’s West Zone Assistant Principals. For the first time ever, come experience learning that replicates how your students are currently learning in LISD. This inaugural opportunity is being made available first to PTA members on a first-come, first-served basis.

During the event, parents will have the opportunity to learn and see some of the differences between learning in a traditional classroom and learning in a 21st century classroom.

The event will be held Friday, Oct.10 at 7:30 a.m. at the new Flower Mound High School 9th Grade Campus3411 Peters Colony Road, Flower Mound.

RSVP by registering online here to reserve your place at this event.

[spoiler style=”fancy” title=”West Zone Schools”]

Bluebonnet ES
Bridlewood ES
Donald ES
Flower Mound ES
Forest Vista ES
Garden Ridge ES
Heritage ES
Highland Village ES
Liberty ES
McAuliffe ES
Old Settlers ES
Prairie Trail ES
Timber Creek ES
Wellington ES

Briarhill MS
Downing MS
Forestwood MS
Lamar MS
McKamy MS
Shadow Ridge MS

Flower Mound HS
Marcus HS
Juvenile Justice AEP


Education Town Hall

State of Texas




Education Town Hall

When: Monday, September 15, 2014 from 6:30 – 8:00 PM

Where: MCL Grand Theater (100 N. Charles St. Lewisville, TX 75057)

Featured Panelists
Dr. Stephen Waddell, Superintendent of Lewisville ISD
Dr. Bobby Burns. Superintendent of Carrollton-Farmers Branch ISD
Dr. Paula Walker, Executive Director of Special Education for Lewisville ISD
Dr. Larry Taylor, Head of School of Prestonwood Christian Academy
Jeremy Newman, Director of Public Policy for Texas Home School Coalition
Kyle Queal, Vice President of Academics at Responsive Education Solutions

This event is open to the public – doors open at 6:00 PM. Light refreshments will be
provided. RSVP’s and questions for the speaker panel are requested at Ebony.Daughtry@house.state.tx.us or by calling (972) 492-2080.

Hosted by the Office of State Representative Ron Simmons, this town hall meeting will include a panel of experts on education issues who will answer questions submitted by the audience.

Relive Social Media Town Hall

Social Media Town Hall 2014town hall

Lewisville ISD (LISD) hosted its third annual online Social Media Town Hall May 15 on www.lisd.net. The event was moderated by Jolene DeVito Yarbrough, former on-air TV personality, LISD community member and parent.

Similar to the way LISD students are learning in the 21st century classroom today, the popular program allowed parents, students and community members to participate in an online, virtual question-and-answer forum via LISD social media platforms.

This year’s Town Hall showcased LISD’s 1:X initiative, project-based learning, and citizenship. Viewers heard directly from students, teachers, principals and LISD Superintendent Dr. Stephen F. Waddell, who answered questions live about the initiatives. In addition, two panelists joined the discussion: Phillip Bankhead, Chairman of Urban Land Institute of North Texas and the Senior Vice President/Senior Director for NorthMarq Capital; and Lynn Mortensen, a STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) advocate and volunteer, who, after spending 30 years in the aerospace and defense industry, is recently retired from the Raytheon Company where she was Vice President of Engineering. While at Raytheon, she held many positions within the company in program management, product development and engineering management.

LISD opened its Facebook, Twitter and Instagram pages to receive questions from parents, students and community members about the initiatives, using the hashtag: #LISDTownHall14. Questions were also emailed prior to the event.

Candidate Forum

2014 Candidate Forum

Curious how the 2008 LISD bond money has been spent/allocated? Find out here.