

I want you to imagine you could wear this pin. Get it? Vote on Saturday!

It’s important and your vote matters. We have open trustee positions as well as a bond out there. Want more details, scroll down a bit on our site and see the candidates and learn about the bond.

Most votes in the 2016 election were cast during early voting. We had around 7,000 people have their voice counted. This year in early voting, we had over 10,000 votes! Missed early voting? No problem, go vote on Saturday!

Voting Locations

2017 Election Information

We have a local election coming up on May 6, 2017! Early voting is happening right now. The Lewisville ISD Council of PTAs has been hard at work gathering information to help you decide how to vote. Please, make time to vote!

In 2016, 7000 people voted for LISD School Board positions. One race was decided by 259 votes. Make your voice heard.




LISD Board of Trustees Candidate Forum

Be sure to come out to the annual LISD Council of PTAs Candidate Forum! This is a great chance to meet and get to know the candidates running for the LISD Board of Trustees.

The Board of Trustees consists of seven members elected to serve for overlapping terms of three years each. Elections are conducted in May in accordance with the Texas Secretary of State Uniform Election Calendar. While candidates run for specific places, they do not represent specific geographical areas; rather, each represents Lewisville ISD at large.

In May of 2017, Places 6 and 7 will be on the ballot.

Place 6

  • Peter Rabner
  • Jon Hanna
  • Kristi Hassett (current Place 6 trustee)
  • Eric Parker

Place 7

  • Sandra Weinstein
  • Shari A. Chambers
  • Colleen Shaw
  • Tracy Scott Miller (current Place 7 trustee)
Learn More
Event Details

April 20th @ 6:30-8pm

Bolin Center
1565 W Main St.
Lewisville, TX 75067


April PEP

LISD Sweeps UIL State Marching Band Contest


Congratulations to the Flower Mound HS Marching Band (1), Hebron HS Marching Band (2) and the Marcus HS Marching Band (3)!

Creepy Clowns

An LISD Parent Notice – October 2016


Dear Lewisville ISD Parents,

You may have seen reports in the news and on social media regarding rumors of “creepy clowns” making threats against school districts nationwide. You can be sure we will investigate any and all incidents that are brought to our attention. If any of our campuses are impacted by a credible situation and not simply rumors, that campus will communicate directly with parents.

As always, the safety and security of our students is our top priority. While it has not been necessary to make any operational changes in Lewisville ISD schools as a result of these incidents, we want to assure you we are closely monitoring this concerning trend.

If you or your child observes any suspicious behavior, please report it immediately to your local police department, or to your campus administrators.

Whether they are made against an individual or an entire school, such threats are a serious matter. Several people nationally have been arrested in recent weeks for making false clown threats and they face serious consequences. Threatening schools is a criminal matter, and the police and our district take these situations very seriously.

Thank you for your continued support of Lewisville ISD schools.

Lewisville ISD

Estimados padres de Lewisville ISD,

Es posible que haya visto reportajes en los noticieros y en las redes sociales con respecto a rumores sobre “payasos espantosos” amenazando a los distritos escolares de todo el país. Puede estar seguro que investigaremos cualquier y todos los incidentes que sean traídos a nuestra atención.  Si alguno de nuestros planteles es impactado por una situación creíble y no por simples rumores, esa escuela se comunicará directamente con los padres.

Como siempre, la seguridad de nuestros estudiantes es nuestra máxima prioridad. Aunque no ha sido necesario hacer ningún cambio operacional en las escuelas de Lewisville ISD como resultado de estos incidentes,  queremos asegurarles que estamos vigilando de cerca esta tendencia.

Si usted o su hijo observa cualquier comportamiento sospechoso, por favor, repórtelo inmediatamente a su departamento de policía local o a los administradores de la escuela.

Ya que estas sean realizadas en contra de una persona o en contra de la escuela completa, tales amenazas son un asunto serio.  Varias personas a nivel nacional han sido arrestadas en las últimas semanas  por hacer amenazas de payaso falsas y enfrentan consecuencias graves. Amenazar una escuela es un asunto criminal y la policía y nuestro distrito toman estas situaciones muy seriamente.

Gracias por su continuo apoyo a las escuelas de Lewisville ISD.

Lewisville ISD

Dr. Rogers – 2016

Dr. Rogers at the LISD Council of PTAs 2016 kickoff meeting.

Technology Summer Care


Testing Bill of Rights

National PTA is pleased to join forces with the Center for American Progress (CAP), America Achieves and the National Association of Secondary School Principals (NASSP), among others in support of the Testing Bill of Rights to ensure assessments are fair, reliable, relevant and aligned to high-quality standards.

The Testing Bill of Rights outlines the need to accurately measure student learning in a way that is useful for parents and teachers and less burdensome for students.

Learn More Testing Bill of Rights

LISD Strategic Design | Goal #6

Develop and implement meaningful, varied assessments that inform and inspire students and educators for continuous improvement and growth in a way that transforms learning and teaching.

HB 5 Community Survey


Dear Parents,

Lewisville Independent School District (LISD) is recognized across the state of Texas as a district where all students have limitless opportunities to thrive. From the daily classroom instruction students receive to the countless extra-curricular activities in which students may choose to be involved, LISD is comprised of world-class educators dedicated to the success of each student.

Nearly 54,000 students walk the halls of LISD, each of them with individual talents, hopes and dreams. In LISD, we help every student find a path toward a future they create, and prepare them for life beyond the halls of our schools.

Perhaps the greatest strength of our school district, however, lies in the tremendous support LISD enjoys from the parents of our students, and community members throughout our district. Part of how we evaluate how well our schools live up to the district’s commitment to our students, parents and the communities we serve is based on your feedback to our community engagement survey.

That’s why I’m asking you to participate in a brief survey, which will be available beginning March 14. The survey asks for your thoughts on how well our schools are performing in a number of important topic areas.

Your responses are confidential and anonymous, and your candid feedback is critical to our efforts toward the continuous improvement of the educational environment in LISD.

Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey, and for your continued support of our schools.

To take the survey, please visit: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/LISDHB5.

Best Regards,
Kevin Rogers, Ed.D.
Superintendent of Schools
Lewisville Independent School District

Why We Conduct This Survey Annually
House Bill 5 (HB 5), passed by the Texas Legislature in 2013, made substantial changes to the state’s curriculum and graduation requirements, assessment program, and accountability system. The community engagement requirement is an opportunity for districts to showcase areas of excellence and success as well as recognize areas in need of improvement and set future goals valued in the community. Survey results will be utilized to calculate Lewisville ISD (LISD)’s HB5 rating and shared with the community at a future LISD Board meeting.

Estimados padres,

El Distrito Escolar Independiente de Lewisville (LISD) es reconocido a través del estado de Texas como un distrito donde todos los estudiantes tienen oportunidades ilimitadas para prosperar. Desde la instrucción diaria del salón de clases, los estudiantes reciben innumerables actividades extra-curriculares en las cuales los estudiantes pueden elegir participar, LISD está compuesto por educadores de clase mundial dedicados al éxito de cada estudiante.

Cerca de 54,000 estudiantes caminan los pasillos de LISD, cada uno de ellos con talentos individuales, esperanzas y sueños. En LISD, ayudamos a cada estudiante a encontrar un camino hacia el futuro que ellos crean y los preparamos para la vida más allá de los pasillos de nuestras escuelas.

Quizás, la fortaleza más grande de nuestro distrito escolar radica realmente en el enorme apoyo que LISD disfruta por parte de los padres de nuestros estudiantes y los miembros de la comunidad a través de nuestro distrito. Parte de como evaluamos cuán bien nuestras escuelas llevan el compromiso del distrito para nuestros estudiantes, los padres y las comunidades que servimos, está basado en sus comentarios en nuestra encuesta de compromiso con la comunidad.

Es por esta razón que les pido participar en una breve encuesta, la cual estará disponible desde el 14 de marzo. La encuesta pregunta cuáles son sus pensamientos sobre cuán bien nuestras escuelas están funcionando en un número de áreas de temas importantes.

Sus respuestas son confidenciales y anónimas, y sus comentarios sinceros son fundamentales para nuestros esfuerzos hacia el continuo mejoramiento del ambiente educativo en LISD.

Gracias por tomar el tiempo para completar esta encuesta y por su continuo apoyo a nuestras escuelas.

Para tomar la encuesta, por favor visite: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/LISDHB5.

Kevin Rogers, Ed.D.
Superintendente de las escuelas
Distrito Independiente Escolar de Lewisville

¿Por qué hacemos esta encuesta anualmente?
El Proyecto de Ley HB 5, aprobado por la Legislatura de Texas en 2013, hizo cambios sustanciales al currículo del estado y a los requisitos de graduación, programas de evaluación y el sistema de responsabilidad educativa. La participación comunitaria es una oportunidad para  que los distritos muestren las áreas de excelencia y éxito, así como reconocer las áreas que necesitan mejoras y establecer metas futuras valoradas en la comunidad. Los resultados de la encuesta serán utilizados para calcular el índice del Proyecto de Ley HB5 de Lewisville ISD (LISD) y compartidos con la comunidad en una futura reunión de la Junta de LISD.