

Help us out – get engaged!

We need some help getting iPads checked in next week.

If you are background checked & available next week, sign up below!


Citizen, Vote


vote on saturday

it’s your right & duty

Curbside Recycling – Tomorrow!

Electronic RecycleCurbside Recycling will be held on Saturday, May 9 from 8:00 A.M. to 12:00 Noon in front of Marcus High School.

Please support MHS by donating your tax deductible, household items. Acceptable items include computers, cameras, office equipment, multi-media items, clothing and accessories, toys and games, portable electronics, video games, sporting goods, musical instruments, home and garden items, non fiction books, jewelry and non perishable & canned foods.

Please note that console/projection/and CRT style TVs can no longer be accepted.

All proceeds go directly to Marcus High School.

Oppose Vouchers Today

Vouchers Bills To Be Voted On In Senate Education Committee Tuesday, April 7

 Write Your Senator or Call Your Senator

and Oppose Senate Bills 4, 276 and 642

BACKGROUND: Voucher bills have been debated in Texas since the mid ’90s. Texas PTA supports educational choices within public schools, while opposing voucher systems, tuition credits, and taxpayer savings grants for nonpublic school tuition and other education-related expenses.

Voucher programs use public money to fund private schools that are not accountable to taxpayers, nor are they required to teach the state’s curriculum or participate in the state’s assessment program.

School choice already exists in Texas, with transfers from one public school to another, magnet schools, and charter schools. Texas PTA supports expansion of public school choice.

SB 4 by Sen. Larry Taylor – would create Education Tuition Grants administered by TEA Commissioner. Grants are awarded to be used to pay the costs of attending private school. Grants will pay tuition costs at private school in an amount that is the lesser of tuition paid or 75% of state ADA per student. A participating private school could not be required to comply with any state law or rule regarding the school’s educational program. A taxable entity could apply for a franchise tax credit for money contributed.

SB 276 by Campbell – creates a “taxpayer savings grant program” that would reimburse a parent or legal guardian for all or part of the cost of private school tuition for their student. 60% of state ADA per student is granted. Businesses contributing to the program receive a tax credit.

SB 642 by Bettencourt – would allow a business to receive a tax credit for contributions to that would be used to partially fund the cost of private school tuition for eligible students. The bill would establish a maximum scholarship amount an organization could award a student using money contributed by an entity that receives a tax credit in return.

We urge you to write your senator or call you senator to oppose these bills that would take needed taxpayer dollars away from public schools and send them to private schools that are unaccountable to the state.

Earth Hour: Saturday 8:30p

Darkness is coming for an hour on Saturday. The World Wildlife Fund’s annual Earth Hour is celebrating its 9th anniversary this weekend.

Earth Hour was famously started as a lights-off event in Sydney, Australia in 2007. Since then it has grown to engage more than 162 countries and territories worldwide. Earth Hour 2015 is on 28 March 2015, 8:30 pm.

Watch Live! – just not at 8:30p 🙂

Legislative Alert!

Alert: Call Your Senator and Urge Him or Her to Support SB 149!

SB 149 by Sen. Kel Seliger is a critical bill that was the sole focus of the Senate Education Committee hearing on Thursday, February 19.

It is urgent that this bill pass as soon as possible in order to benefit the students in the class of 2015 who have passed all of their courses but failed one or more EOC exams. SB 149 would allow school districts and charter schools to create individual graduation committees for students to determine whether a student qualifies to graduate despite failing to pass one or more EOCs.

SB 149 would allow school districts and charter schools to create individual graduation committees for students to determine whether a student qualifies to graduate despite failing to pass one or more EOCs. The committee is modeled after Grade Placement Committees in grades 5 and 8.

For this Action Alert – call your State Senator!

Superintendent Search Input Forums

suptsearchLewisville ISD (LISD)’s Board of Trustees invites all parents and community members to participate in community input forums to share their thoughts regarding desired qualities in LISD’s new superintendent. All forums will be led by executive search firm Ray and Associates. Please see below for the remaining community input forum dates and locations.

English-Only Forums

  • Thursday, Jan. 29: 2:15-3 p.m.
    • Bolin Administrative Center (1565 W. Main Street, Lewisville)
  • Thursday, Jan. 29: 5:15-6:15 p.m.
    • Career Center East (2553 F.M. 544, Lewisville)

Please call LISD’s Office of Public Information and Community Relations with questions: 469.948.8152.

Por favor, llame a la Oficina de Información Púbica y Relaciones con Comunidad de LISD con sus preguntas al 469-948-8152.

Circle of Friends: Cookout

UPDATE: Ticket Sales will be for sale on Friday (during lunch) as well!

Monday is the Spring PTSA Meeting and Open House for Marcus High School.IN-N-OUT Burger

You’ll be hungry and this is how you can get some great food that benefits a great cause!

Monday, February 2
4:30p – 6:00p — Dinner (IN-N-OUT BURGER Cookout Truck)
6:45p — PTSA Meeting
7:00p — Open House

The In-N-Out Burger food truck will be serving delicious burgers at Marcus before the PTSA meeting. Tickets are $5 and available for purchase during all lunches on 1/28. The Circle of Friends Club is sponsoring this event to help raise funds for their Grand Ball.

More Information

LEF Scholarship Due Friday!

Seniors: The deadline to submit your application for a scholarship through Lewisville Education Foundation is Friday, Jan. 30 at 4:30 p.m.

LEF houses many booster club and activity scholarships, so it’s very likely there is a scholarship for which you qualify and might earn! Remember, some scholarships require recommendations, and you can’t submit until those are complete, so don’t delay! Apply today at http://lisdef.com/student-programs.

Curbside Recycling – Saturday

Electronic RecycleCurbside Recycling will be held on Saturday, January 31st from 8:00 A.M. to 12:00 Noon in front of Marcus High School.

Please support MHS by donating your tax deductible, unwanted, household items.  Acceptable items include computers, cameras, office equipment, multi-media items, clothing and accessories, toys and games, portable electronics, video games, sporting goods, musical instruments, home and garden items, non fiction books, jewelry and non perishable & canned foods.

Please note that console/projection/and CRT style TVs can no longer be accepted.

All proceeds go directly to Marcus High School.